Monday, December 1, 2008

Avery's 7th birthday

Avery made her grand entrance into the world on Saturday, December 1st 2001 at 1:37 pm after a long, long labor for Mommy. She weighed 7 lbs 11oz and was 21 inches long. Did I mention it was a long labor? Painful too! Who knew that this little girl....would look like this 7 years later! She started out with a lot of hair, and still has a lot. She also started out fairly quiet, which certainly is not the case now!
Reading her card and opening her presents. We then went to dinner at Avery's choice restaurant, which just so happened to be HuHot Mongolian Grill. She sure is an adventurous eater! No mac and cheese or chicken fingers for her tonight, she ate salad, noodles, meat, and even put zucchini in her bowl! Carson had chicken fingers....he is much less adventurous!

Avery is ready to cheer on Tim's beloved Green Bay Packers....

With her new doll Jenny

1 comment:

Barry and Amy said...

You've had two little one's celebrate birthdays!

Looks like God's blessed you with a beautiful family.