Carson came into this world on Friday, December 5th, 2003 at 1:22 am weighing 8 lbs 2 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He was very yellow and it took several weeks to get his jaundice under control. He was quite a cryer those first few months, now he is such a happy boy plus he's no longer yellow which is always good...
Carson wanted this transformer on his cake and wanted the icing silver, so I did my best. It must have tasted okay, there wasn't a bite left after the party!
Blowing out his candles and playing basketball with Dad, Uncle Paul, and his friend Ryan.
This year Carson had his party at Jump and Bounce, an inflatable indoor play park. The boys (plus 3 sisters) had great fun and were all red-faced by the end. I managed to get them all to pose for this pic on the boxing ring, no easy feat with 4-6 year old boys with lots of energy!
Avery, William, Robbie, Sumner, Tommy, Tyler, Ryan, Lily (Seth's sis), Carson, Michael, Jack, Cameron, Seth, and Darcy (Ryan's sis)
Awww, looks like he had a ball!
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